Lyric Poetry of the Middle Ages – Love, Politics and Adoration of the Virgin Mary
The project „Überlieferung der deutschsprachigen Lieddichtung des Mittelalters“ (“The Tranditon of German-language Lyric Poetry of the Middle Ages”) is undertaking a systematic research of a central genre of medieval German literature. In a variety of individual studies, new aspects of medieval lyric poetry, be these on the theme of love, politics or religion, are shown from the historical perspective of this tradition.
The scholar Gisela Kornrumpf has been engaged in this research of medieval song for the past four decades. She is unrivalled in her understanding of the many manuscripts she has studied over the years and intensely aware of all the variations they bring with them. She has been able to demonstrate – and pass on –her profound knowledge to others in numerous national and international lectures and essays on the subject and is pooling the results of her intensive research in this project.

Already published (2008): „Vom Codex Manesse zur Kolmarer Liederhandschrift. Aspekte der Überlieferung, Formtraditionen, Texte“ (Teil I), in the series “Die Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters“ (MTU 133). Here, Gisela Kornrumpf has renewed the availability of selected articles from her research and, in part, updated them. She has also enriched these works by adding new research studies to them.
Currently in preparation: “Vom Codex Manesse zur Kolmarer Liederhandschrift. Aspekte der Überlieferung, Formtraditionen, Texte“ (Teil II: Die St. Katharinentaler Liedersammlung. Verstreut überlieferte Lieder und Sangsprüche).